Vote for all your values!

  • Sanctity of Life

    All human beings deserve to live free from aggressive violence from conception to natural death. We should work to create a society free from abortion, capital punishment, euthanasia, police brutality, torture and unjust war.

  • Social Justice

    We have a collective responsibility to society’s most vulnerable members. Societal structures should uphold the equal value and dignity of each person, regardless of any personal characteristics. This requires efforts to address systemic and historic injustices, including long-standing racial injustice and sexism.

  • Centrality of the Family

    Marriage and the family are the central institutions of society and must be supported. Government must promote the wellbeing of all families because the family provides for the nurturing of children, who are our future.

  • Economic Security

    Government must work to end economic injustice by creating promoting widespread ownership of property and production. Personal, cooperative, and social ownership are all valid in a just society. Workers’ rights and a family wage must be ensured, and those who cannot work should receive income adequate for full participation in society.

  • Community-Oriented Society

    Humans are created to live in communities, and the proper organization of our communities is necessary for the flourishing of our societies. Society consists of various institutions and communities, like families, governments, and religious groups, whose primary authority over their own affairs should be respected and defended. Higher levels of government should serve to empower and support lower levels of authority, rather than replace them.

  • Care for the Environment

    Cultivation and good stewardship ought to characterize the relationship between people and the environment. Both government and civil society have a responsibility to protect natural resources, now and for future generations.

  • Peace & International Solidarity

    Peace is the fruit of justice and requires solidarity among peoples and nations. Aid and trade policies must advance justice, sustainability, and human flourishing. We must exhaust all diplomatic and nonviolent means of conflict resolution before considering military action. War must be the last resort and strictly adhere to just-war principles.

  • Respect for Democracy

    We the people can and should take an active role in decision making through decentralized, deliberative democracy. Get money out of our politics, pass meaningful election reforms so voters have more choices on the ballot, remove unnecessary barriers to entry for independent candidates, and make voting both more secure and easier for all.

Are my values your values?